A few years ago, I was given an instrument that has superseded its original intent. It has the ability to transport me to other worlds; a portal of sorts.
My husband, in an attempt to encourage one of my dreams, went to a church conference in Hong Kong where he purchased “my baby”; a Canon SLR.
At first, the camera was only a means to catch moments. Which I LOVE. A baby’s smile, celebrations, holidays, funny moments, mission trips, family portraits etc. become moments locked in time. A time machine of sorts.Then…
my Uncle Tabs came to visit.
Uncle Tabs is (please read in a British accent) literally the most interesting man in the world (& get that man a Dos Equis.) He grew up in England & still keeps house there today. He is a penchant (retired person), yet is more active now than ever. He is the caretaker of a wildlife refuge and of wild ponies & a published wildlife photographer. In fact, one of his photos was just featured on the cover of a magazine. He served overseas in the RAF where he became quite an asset (it’s “classified”). While serving, he was on Christmas Island when he was instructed to “turn away from the mushroom cloud and put your hands in front of your face.” His hands lit up like an X Ray as the nuclear bomb that was being tested exploded. He survived all that and became an owner/operator of a private airline, where he often transported all sorts of celebrities. His stories are legendary. His mind is sharp. So when he speaks. . . I listen.
A few years ago he came to Florida on holiday, gave me a telephoto lens, and introduced me to the world of wildlife photography. I became his faithful padawan learner. I absorbed as much of his knowledge as I could. He not only knew the names of every bird, creature and insect, but he understood their nature and habits. He would instruct me where to stand to catch birds in flight, what time of year and which habitat to best photograph each species, and helped me memorize their migration patterns. It was like he was my drug dealer; dosing out bits about this other world to me as much as I could handle, his own passion and encouragement igniting me. Armed with this newfound knowledge and fervor, I used the portal to enter a new realm that was simultaneously both huge and small.
This glorious world, full of color and sound has always existed around me. I just never cared to stop and “see” it.
A simple walk now turns into an exciting journey.
I now “see” and appreciate the small snail creeping across the path or the osprey feasting on a fish on the light post. I crane my head around the car trying to catch a glimpse of an actual crane flying overhead. I become the metaphorical kid in the baseball field chasing the butterfly or grasshopper.
The thing is, when you look– really look– at what is going on around you, the mundane becomes breathtaking.
The attention to detail that God took to construct the tiniest of all creatures is mind blowing.
I have fallen in love with this world. And I didn’t have a hand in creating it! I just observe it.
Imagine then, how God in His unfathomable love for you and cheeky desire to show off His infinite abilities, constructed every intricate detail of all His creation in order to show you that it all PALES next to the attention, love and detail He put in creating YOU!!
Read Psalm 139
(seriously, stop right now and read, it is worth the effort.)
I had a God moment the other day.
I was on the Lake Apopka Wilderness Drive chasing my “white whales;” an otter, owl, Kestrel, and bobcat. I wanted to finally put these amazing creatures on film. What a “feather in my cap” that would be (cracking myself up here.) Nearing the end of the drive, frustrated with my lacking abilities, I thought I felt God speak to me.
“Get out of the car.”
I did. As soon as I opened the door, I saw the most beautiful fuchsia dragonfly. I have never seen such a beauty! Unfortunately I did not capture it on film. But it captured me. I then walked around, once again observing the magnificence in the mundane. My soul was singing. Just think, I was driving by all this just minutes prior.
This is a synopsis of what God spoke to me in that moment:
“Andria, how many ‘small and insignificant’ things do you push past to brag about the noticeable ‘beauties?’”
James 2:3 ( I am going to make you work today. Look it up)
“Slow down and see your children, your spouse, your friends, and. . . yourself.
Celebrate the details.
Enjoy the quirkiness.
Take the time to acknowledge (out loud) the amazing ways I constructed each one. If I can take your breath away with a mere dragonfly, then wait until your eyes are opened to my favorite creations.
You are all unique inspirations, not an ounce of mundane.
Appreciate how I created each one and what I am doing in everyone around you. Especially yourself.”
I urge you all to do the same. People become less frustrating and more intriguing when you acknowledge their Creator and His craft. That includes you.