Sometimes there are slogans, idioms or expressions that just make sense and become part of one’s everyday life. As referred to prior, my Mom always lived by THIS TOO SHALL PASS, which is a great expression. When she would say it to me, I would always take down the “freak out” level at least by two. My personal motto that I often quote to my kids (And now more to myself) is IF THERE IS NO REASON TO SAY NO, DON’T. This keeps me from spouting out
“No” as a first response, and makes way for adventures. My friend Rachel, however, said the most brilliant line that I will affect me until Jesus returns.
Many years ago Rachel was potty training her son, which was going OK, with one exception. He did not like to poop. He tried to just hold it in, which worked, until it would work no more. Eventually he had to release it. Holding onto it would often lead to other problems. In the midst of a frustrating scenario she spoke the wisest words to him…”Sweetheart, poop always wins.” At first, I could not stop laughing. I told her that is truest statement I had ever heard! Once he realized he had a wise mother, and heeded her sage like wisdom he stopped fighting the losing battle, and released what was giving him so much pain.
For my 48th birthday, I was given a great gift of being able to spend the night at a very expensive hotel where my niece was a chef. What my family and I loved about it was that once we were in the hotel, nobody knew that we were struggling middle class family from Ocoee. We loved it! We escaped into a world that was not our own, but quickly realized we had at least one thing in common with the other families. Being at a hotel, what is the first things EVERY kid wants to do? Pool, of course. They had several pools. Beautiful, large enticing clear bodies of refreshing water beckoning us to delve into their depth. Until…..”DOOOODY!!!!!!” Everyone scattered! Yep, that was not a Baby Ruth sitting on the bottom of the pool. Despite it being a luxurious hotel, with the top money makers occupying the rooms……Poop Always Wins.
Putting levity aside, think about the literal meaning to what Rachel said. God designed our bodies wondrously. When functioning as He designed, your body is going to expel toxins and waste; leaving behind what is needed to strengthen, heal and grow. God never intended for you to hold in toxins. Poop happens. That was not the issue for my friend’s son. Holding onto it was.
Many of us spend a good portion of our days caring about our physical and spiritual selves. We exercise. Eat decent. Go to Bible studies. Sing worship songs. Study. Etc. For all intents and purposes, we are doing the right things to grow in strength, health, and well being. But there is one thing that you refuse to do. Like a stubborn 3 year old, you hold on to POOP. Ill words were spoken to you, your were wronged or cheated, your physical being was harmed or threatened, God did not answer your prayers…the list goes on. What God intended for you to release (forgive), you have allowed it to take up residence in your inner being. The problem is POOP ALWAYS WINS.

Matthew 15:8 But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person.

All that stored inside of you will eventually make its way out. And it will stink. It will effect your own well being and those around you. Words you never intended to say will creep into conversations. Fears and anger will envelope you and cause harm. God knew all this could happen. He warned us. Shoot, Eve was the first to experience the results of allowing a toxic thought to remain instead of the truth, but not the last. The devil loves this tool in his arsenal.

I used to be involved with an organization that housed young ladies that were “runaways and throw aways.” Each girl had her own story of hurt and resulting destruction, but two things affected them all; they believed a lie about themselves and they held onto unforgiveness. Therefore, in order to get well and whole again, the counselors had to methodically go through the girl’s belief system and identify the lies and replace them with the truth based on God’s Word. Then, they had to forgive the people that spoke the words and harmed them. I encourage you all to do the same. (Psalm 139:23) It won’t be easy, but think about how good you feel when you physically “take care of business.”

Since this blog is dedicated to encouraging the strengthening of friendships, I want to hit on something very important.
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue…” Prov 18:21
We all could spend the entire day hearing encouraging loving things spoken to us, but if one negative thing gets in there, our whole day (weeks,years) are ruined. Poop always wins.
Read Proverbs. So much is dedicated to telling us to be careful how we say things. Not to be careless with our words. We hate being the one hurt, but tend to be a lot less kind speaking to/about others. Saying “Just saying” after a hurtful comment, or “only speaking the truth” does not mean that you should be saying anything. If you feel something does need to be said to your friend, speak truth in love (Eph 4:15). Words have weight. Don’t be quick to judge or speak. Apply grace, listen, admonish and exhort.

Kind words are like honey~sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. (Prov 16:24)


Author Andria

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