When I was in college getting my degree in Social Work, like all seniors, I had to find a place to do an internship. I searched and searched then finally landed at a place that had a program called J.A.S.P.– Juvenile Alternative Services Project. Basically, JASP was created to be a juvenile court judge’s last resort before sending a kid to Juvenile Hall. The judge had the option of sending the juvenile to us, then we, after an extensive interview, would place sanctions on the child as we saw fit. For example, we could make the young person write an essay or apology letter, do volunteer work, attend specialized classes, etc. Honestly, it remains my favorite social work experience.

During the internship I had the privilege of proctoring one of the classes that JASP offered. This particular class was directed at attitudes. We would watch videos, then have discussions afterward. I wish I knew the name of the videos or of the guy who taught in them so that I could give him credit, because along with the kids, I learned a lot.

“How many of you have been told you have a bad attitude?”
[ Every hand in his video audience and in my class went up. ]

What about you? (Yes, this is me Andria talking to you, now.)
[ You can raise your proverbial hand, no judgment. ]

“I am here to tell you that everyone who told you that was wrong.”
[ Cheers from the kids. ] “You cannot have a bad attitude.”
[ More cheers. ] “But you can have a right or wrong attitude, depending on what your goal is.”
[ Contemplative silence. ]

You can have a right or wrong attitude, depending on what your goal is.
S I M P L E E X A M P L E S :
If your goal is to lose 20lbs, but your attitude is Eat ALL the tacos, with ice cream for dessert! Then you may not have the best attitude for your goal.

If your goal is to be the top student in your class in order to get scholarships and your attitude is to study, go for tutoring, etc., then you have the right attitude to achieve your goal.

L E S S S I M P L E E X A M P L E S :
Your goal is to be promoted at work, but you struggle with being punctual, you get frustrated with your boss/co-workers/clients (and don’t always keep that frustration to yourself,) and you do not want to be “bothered” with extra work, then you most likely have the wrong attitude to achieve your goal.

Your goal is be a loving parent and you make time to hang with your kids, set boundaries and stick with it, deny your desire to “drop kick them into next year,” get them to church and enjoy them even if they can be quirky. Those are some of the right attitudes to achieve that goal.

D E E P E R T H O U G H T E X A M P L E S :

You desire to have close, personal friendships, but you sabotage any potential relationship, hide behind your insecurities, wait for everyone else to take action, speak negatively etc., you definitely will struggle meeting your goal with these attitudes.

Your goal is to not get a divorce ever, so you keep yourself away from all situations that have the potential to lead to temptations, you try to see the bigger picture when your spouse is hurt/frustrated and seems to be lashing at you, you are quick to encourage and slow to point out failures etc. These are some of the MANY right attitudes you need to meet that goal.

C H A L L E N G I N G E X A M P L E :

You desire to know God, to understand His Word and to “lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” (Heb 12:1) If this is your goal, the right attitude is (Jeremiah 29:13)”You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart.”

If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus, but wish to — have the right attitude for that goal. Find a friend (you can contact me) who you know loves God and is following Him and express your desire to follow Christ, or go to a church and talk to one of the pastors/people there. (I can help you find one in your area if you have need.) Accepting Jesus is the first step toward freedom. There is so much cool stuff yet to come. But most of all, start a conversation with your Heavenly Father.

He is always ready to love you.

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Author Andria

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